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Docusign + SAP

Streamline your business operations

Digitally transform the agreement process across HR, sales, procurement and more

Contact SalesExplore eSignature for SAP
Woman working on a desktop computer
A laptop showing the DocuSign integration with SAP

Accelerate agreements in SAP products with Docusign eSignature

With eSignature available on the SAP Store, customers have more ways to innovate and integrate Docusign eSignature with the SAP products they use every day.

Discover all the ways you can make agreements more powerful, efficient and flexible across your organization with Docusign eSignature.

Learn More
  • Do business faster

    Enable signers to sign from anywhere – whether on phones, tablets, or desktops.

  • Save costs

    Save $36 on average per document with eSignature compared to traditional paper processes.

  • Get more done

    Improve productivity by integrating eSignature with SAP tools your teams use every day.

  • Mitigate risk

    Store your contracts, consents and agreements in an auditable, searchable repository.

Move your business forward with SAP Signature Management by Docusign

As a global reseller of Docusign, SAP knows first-hand the ROI its customers gain from using Docusign eSignature within SAP products like SAP ERP, SAP Customer Experience, SAP Fieldglass, and SAP SuccessFactors. Organizations can streamline and improve business processes, save costs, reduce risk, enhance compliance and more.

If you’re already a Docusign customer using these SAP products, you can get the full benefits right away—just have your admin enable Docusign in SAP and start using it today!

Document in Docusign with a prompt for the user to confirm their electronic signature.

SAP ERP Central Component

Streamline your enterprise resource planning

Quickly and securely execute signed agreements from within the ERP modules you use every day. Streamline sales quotes, bills of lading, vendor agreements, POs, invoices, and many other agreement types. The Docusign eSignature Accelerator for SAP ERP Central Component (ECC) provides core integration functions that rapidly connect SAP ECC modules to Docusign eSignature. 

A phone screen showing a letter of employment offering signed with DocuSign.

SAP SuccessFactors

Simplify hiring, recruit the best

Get job offers signed quickly and expedite new-hire “paperwork” so you can recruit and retain the best employees. With SAP Signature Management by Docusign, you can put offers in front of candidates without delay, to review and sign electronically. And HR teams have total visibility into document status with automated workflows.

A dashboard of documents in Docusign CLM showing the tasks, statuses and names of agreements.

SAP Customer Experience

Accelerate sales, improve visibility

Reach closure faster and improve service by moving from manual customer engagements to a fully digital solution with SAP Signature Management by Docusign for SAP Sales Cloud. Close deals quickly by eliminating the need to print and overnight paperwork. Decision-makers can electronically sign a document as soon as it appears on their screen.

Four coworkers chatting and smiling in an office environment.

SAP Fieldglass

Optimize your external workforce

Improve engagements with your external workforce and get vendor agreements signed and returned within minutes. Docusign for SAP Fieldglass streamlines the management of all types of flexible resources—from temporary staff to consultants to freelance workers—allowing you to accelerate onboarding and create a better workforce experience.

Go Beyond eSignature with Docusign Connectors

Docusign product UI

Docusign Connectors for SAP Ariba

Improve processes and boost search and analysis with AI

Add intelligence to your spending with the Docusign Insight Connector for SAP Ariba. Answer supply chain questions up to 80% faster. Docusign Insight Connector for SAP Ariba provides centralized access to all Contract Workspace files and delivers a full spectrum of AI-powered search and analysis capabilities. Quickly address commercial and legal issues across your entire portfolio of procurement contracts.

Simplify your processes from end-to-end with the Docusign CLM Connector for SAP Ariba. Connect Docusign CLM with SAP Ariba to create a single source of truth for all your contract information. Automatically update data in your SAP Ariba Contract Workspace and share data across systems to drive consistency and save time. Reduce your dependencies on manual data entry, avoid errors and increase staff productivity.

Ready to get started with Docusign + SAP integrations?

Contact SalesExplore eSignature for SAP